Nov 18, 2019
As per DelveInsight’s estimates, total Complex Regional Pain Syndrome cases in the 7MM were found to be 253,603 in 2017. The United States accounted for the highest CRPS prevalent population with 179,441 cases.
In terms of European countries, Germany recorded for the highest Complex regional pain syndrome prevalence with 18,459 cases, with the UK closely following behind with Spain dominating the least share of CRPS prevalent population.
Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), is a rare neurologic condition which renders its sufferers in severe chronic pain. Lack of awareness and understanding of the condition leaves a CRPS patient pool vulnerable.
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At present, the Complex regional pain syndrome treatment is restricted to palliative care.
Complex regional pain syndrome Therapy Market
Therapies such as Bone resorption factor inhibitors, NMDA receptor antagonist, and Cannabinoid receptor agonists have the potential to increase the Complex regional pain syndrome market size. The CRPS upcoming therapies might help by optimizing the outcomes of patients with aggressive malignancy.
Complex regional pain syndrome therapies such as Neridronate (Abiogen Pharma/Grünenthal), AXS-02 (Axsome Therapeutics), BHV-5000 (BioHeaven Pharmaceuticals), and PPP001 (Tetra Bio-Pharma), are expected to impact Complex regional pain syndrome treatment market positively.
Complex regional pain syndrome Pipeline
CRPS therapies such as Neridronate (Abiogen Pharma/Grünenthal), AXS-02 (Axsome Therapeutics), BHV-5000 (BioHeaven Pharmaceuticals), and PPP001 (Tetra Bio-Pharma) are anticipated to impact Complex regional pain syndrome treatment market positively.
Neridronate (Abiogen Pharma/Grünenthal), the first in class, non-opioid therapeutic, is under Phase III clinical trials which will be administered intravenously. The chemical composition of the drug in the form of bisphosphonates have improved the condition in the patient pool. A potential bone resorption molecule can help in bone remodelling.
Allotted the fast track designation, Breakthrough drug and Orphan drug designation, the drug is going to occupy the major chunk of Complex regional pain syndrome market share in the 7MM, once it gets approved in 2022.
In addition to Neridronate, oral zoledronic acid will also take the Complex regional pain syndrome therapy market in the right direction opening doors to new approaches to treat Complex regional pain syndrome.
The stake of Complex regional pain syndrome treatment landscape lies on how readily and fast the Research and Development in the field takes place. A combination therapy of existing and upcoming CRPS drugs may bring an efficient and standard Complex regional pain syndrome treatment regime.
Overall, the increasing awareness in this rare condition along with upcoming novel therapies will fuel the market during the forecast period, 2019-2028.
Complex regional pain syndrome is a rare neurologic condition which renders its sufferers in severe chronic pain.
The United States accounted for the highest CRPS prevalent population with 179,441 cases.