Jul 18, 2019
Viral diseases can be claimed as one of the nastiest infections that impact the person impairing personal health, hampering the productivity of the person and adding to the medical bills. Comparatively few of the known viruses are noteworthily fatal unlike influenza, childhood viral pneumonia, and hepatitis which are responsible for causing more than 1,000 deaths per year.
Let us talk about respiratory viral infections specifically that is one of the leading causes of respiratory illnesses in all age groups of a healthy population. These respiratory viruses such as influenza virus, respiratory syncytial virus, parainfluenza virus, adenovirus, rhinovirus, human metapneumovirus and enterovirus are a common cause of cold and flu-like diseases. They affect both upper as well as a lower respiratory tract with the latter being more common among children. In a survey by the National Health Interview Survey of the National Center for Health Statistics, it was revealed that the common cold virus annually causes 35.6 acute illnesses per 100 persons. Moreover, influenza and other acute respiratory conditions are the reason behind one-third of all the visits to medical doctors. And, the percentage of children visiting physicians due to Human parainfluenza viruses accounted for 6.8% worldwide.
Talking about Human parainfluenza viruses (HPIVs), they are viruses, organisms, that possess the potential to cause several types of respiratory infections. Say, for example, croup, which is a type of inflammation in the larynx (voice box) and trachea (windpipe), causes difficulties in breathing. They can also infect lower respiratory tract causing pneumonia and bronchiolitis. And in children, the symptoms get worse. These are, either way, genetically or antigenically, divided into four subtypes.
Generally, all the viruses known to humankind infect at a younger age with fairly a lower fatality but their infectious episodes keep on recurring. Speaking of viral pathogenesis, to determine the mode of respiratory virus transmission and the dynamics of primary infection and protection from reinfection physicians run a medical test. Similarly, an HPIV, with an incubation period of 2-6 days can infect a person in numerous ways. Touching a contaminated surface with bare hands and then transmitting the virus to nose, mouth, or through a close direct or indirect contact with an infected person, or through infected droplets in air can result in HPIV infection.
When it comes to the statistical data, one can see that the diagnosed Parainfluenza virus infection prevalent population in G8 countries is expected to increase at a CAGR of 0.44% for the study period in the coming years, i.e., from 311.66 Million. Country-wise, Germany accounts for maximum PIV diagnosed cases than other countries, followed by the UK with 73,877 cases in 2017. On the other hand, Italy had the lowest Parainfluenza diagnosed case of 45,375 cases in 2017.
The US accounts for the largest HPIV market size in comparison to EU5, Japan, and China. However, with changing time, China may lead the way and expand its Parainfluenza virus infection market share by 2028 at a CAGR rate of 7.5%, whereas US may see a setback and is likely to hold the second place in the PIV market. Among the EU5 countries, the Parainfluenza virus infection market size of Germany and Italy are likely to grow at a CAGR of 7.33% and 7.40% respectively, during the forecast period 2017-2028.
Expected Launch of potential Parainfluenza virus infection therapy may increase the PIV market size in the future, assisted by an increase in diagnosed Parainfluenza Virus Infection prevalent population. Owing to the positive outcomes of the key player Ansun Biopharma, PIV infection market has the potential to create a significant positive shift in the market size.
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At present, there is no vaccine or immunization against parainfluenza virus, however, efforts are underway to develop a one. High throughput and profound research are ongoing for the development of efficient treatment options for the patients suffering from parainfluenza virus infection. Development of potent vaccines, drugs, inhalers, etc. has become a dire need to cure infections with definitive therapies. The researchers are focusing on the use of reverse genetics systems for HPIV serotypes 1, 2, and 3 (HPIV1, 2 and 3) thereby to develop several live-attenuated HPIVs intranasal vaccines in adults and in children.
Enhanced genetic surveillance will definitely assist and boost research and development (R&D) into new antiviral drugs and vaccines for parainfluenza virus infection. The throughput vaccine development will lead to prophylactic market of the parainfluenza virus infection.
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Mar 11, 2025