Aug 07, 2018
Curcumin known for its therapeutic effect and as a way to kill germs present in raw meat. It is an effective agent for killing cancer cells.Recently, however, Pan’s laboratory collaborated with Peter Stang on ways to be able to render curcumin soluble, deliver it to infected tumors, and kill cancer cells. The team has created a sophisticated metallocyclic complex using platinum that has not only enabled curcumin’s solubility, but whose synergy has proven 100 times more effective in treating various cancer types such as melanoma and breast cancer cells .They have developed a complex & has a very unique ability to take on different forms of material—from a spherical nanoparticle to longer elongated threads of nanometer size.This drug can be given both orally and intravenously.Even if you are killing all the cells in the tumor, there would be a tiny population of cells with ‘stemness’ properties that could enable cancer cells to grow back and spread to other parts of the body. However, if we can deliver therapy to cancer stem cells, we can prevent that from happening.
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