Symdeko’s approval; Erytech target solid tumors; Oncologie snapped bavituximab; Merck delivers

Symdeko’s approval; Erytech target solid tumors; Oncologie snapped bavituximab; Merck delivers

Feb 16, 2018

Vertex pharmaceutical’s growth story in biotech with Symdeko’s approval

FDA has recently approved Vertex Pharmaceutical’s latest combination treatment, Symdeko, to serve the cystic fibrosis patient population. Symdeko’s annual list price has been set at USD 292,000. Symdeko has paired with a fresh corrector, tezacaftor, with the active ingredient in Kalydeco, ivacaftor. Vertex assumes that the combo will get the approval & Orkambi’s uptake will grow gradually.

Erytech targeting solid tumors through Red blood cell-encapsulated drug therapy

Disappointed from the leukemia data French biotech Erytech is now refocusing on its red blood cell-encapsulated drug therapy to target solid tumors. It will most likely target triple-negative breast cancer in its next trial. The company is getting ready for a phase 2 study of Graspa (red-cell encapsulated L-asparaginase or eryaspase) in TNBC. It will be the second solid tumor indication for the therapy after metastatic pancreatic cancer, company hopes to have the trial underway in the third quarter this year.

Oncologie snapped up bavituximab and other assets from Avid

In a recent deal, Oncologie Inc. has snapped up Avid’s (CDMO) bavituximab and other phosphatidylserine-targeting assets. As per the deal, Oncologie will be responsible for the research, development, and commercialization of bavituximab and Avid will carry out the contract development and manufacturing activities.

Merck delivers latest Alzheimer’s disappointment

Merck has announced the termination of another phase 3 study for Alzheimer treatment verubecestat (MK-8931). The reason for the latest termination is an external Data monitoring committee according to which the treatment will not have any positive result.
